last updated - 17.04.23
Our classes are
Class 4M and Class 4S
Miss Turner and Miss Shingfield
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Foote, Mrs Abidi and Miss O'Leary
Our PPA day is on a Thursday. Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursdays. For PE days could you send your child into school dressed in full PE kit. This should include weather appropriate clothes, trainers and their house colour t-shirt. All items should be labelled.
Term 2 Learning
Our writing learning this term will be focused around the book The Nothing to See Here Hotel by Steven Butler.
We will use this story to provide us with lots of writing opportunities. We will be focusing on noun phrases with prepositions, fronted adverbials, speech, conjunctions, figurative language and a variety of sentences. Whilst doing this, we will be ensuring that we have used punctuation correctly. We will also be writing a non-chronological report about a made up character which we will design.
This term we will be reading The Nothing to See Here Hotel by Steven Butler to support our reading skills.
This stories are full of amazing vocabulary, brilliant characters and many twists and turns. The skills we will be focusing on are our inference, retrieval and summarising skills, whilst making predictions.
This term, we will be learning and multiplication and subtraction. We will then consolidate all learning form Autumn Term; place value, addition and subtraction, area and multiplication and division.
We will be focusing on learning to recall all of our times tables and division facts up to 12x12. This is something that will continue all year as the children work towards completing the statutory multiplication check in June.
Contact Details
If you have any urgent queries which cannot be answered after school or by making an appointment, then contact us via the school office:
How can you help at home?
Reading: We ask that you read' with your child 5 times a week. This only needs to be a 10 minute session and you don’t have to finish a whole book every time. We will be continuing with our ‘Reading Challenge’, so make sure you record each read in their log book as this will contribute.
Reading does not have to be limited to the books children bring home from school. It can include any books they have at home, reads with siblings or reading books from the local library.
Spelling: Children will be given a list of spellings termly. These will be included in a weekly dictation. These spellings and the dictation will be in their homework book. Spellings will be set and the dictation completed every Friday.
Term 2 spellings can be found here.
The children will be continuing with maths planets. There are sample papers on the maths page on the website to give you an idea of what each stage will look like. Please practise your child’s maths facts at least 3 times a week. If your child is stuck on a level for more than 2 weeks then we will intervene at school.
Alongside these please continue to practise times table facts. Each Friday we will complete a times table challenge in class, so that by the end of Year 4 the children are able to recall all their times table facts up to 12 x 12.
In Year 4, children need to be able to read digital and analogue 24 hour time. Continual practice of this at home will hugely support their learning in class.